Dirty Protest

466 days ago

Bobby Sands the baby murderer and those who want a United Ireland

I explained the other day why Northern Ireland does not have a Catholic majority or a majority who want a United Ireland, whatever the BBC and the rest of the media GroupThink might tell you. The key “swing votes” are those who identify as Northern Irish, largely of a Protestant background but now saying they have no faith, folks we might term Garden Centre Unionists. And this brings us to Bobby Sands.


1094 days ago

These SinnFein/IRA scum do not speak for Liverpool however much they rewrite history

The tweet below shows some scousers honouring the 40th anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands, terming him “The People’s Own MP.” I suggest to you that these Fenian scum, whose souls will surely burn in hell, are rewriting history and also do not speak for the vast majority of Liverpuddlians, most of whom will be horrified by this.
